Teaching Our Own

The Black Homeschool Fair

The Black Child Agenda Sun 8th June 2014

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Greetings family


I hope you’ve all been well since the last time we posted 🙂 

This sunday 8th June, we’ve been invited to come and join the panel at an event called 

The Black Child Agenda 

To speak on the benefits of homeschooling our children

The organiser, a powerful sister called Cheryl Phoenix Henry writes of the event: 


“We know there is a serious issue with our children within the education system, things over the years have not changed much, our Boys are being put on ADHD tablets, being permanently excluded, teachers have admitted to deliberately marking down their work as they have little or no expectation of them. How do parents arm themselves with the correct knowledge and information to challenge institutional racism? This event will arm parents and carers with the right support knowledge and information around our children within the education system. We have some experienced speakers who will give you tools to challenge and work with the systems our children are apart of. David Gilmore professor of Education; from the Institute of Education has been quoted as saying. ” Racism at every single aspect has been proven to be institutional within the education system. Sometimes racism is crude and obvious and sometimes its subtle. We know that it is at times written into the design of assessments and written throughout the curriculum. It is also written in the way assessments are delivered in such a way that the Black child will rarely ever be able to achieve the desired results in a test”.

With Shocking facts such as these, who do parents turn to for support if their child is facing exclusion? Who will give you male support and role models for your son? Who will support and give advice to your daughter as they grow? This event will not only give you the issues, we will have a frank and open dialog about this. However we need solutions, we need change, we need to care and we need to know how to get the best out of our children… remember They are watching OUR actions.


We’d love to see you all there at

Heritage Inn

301 Cricklewood Broadway, NW2 6PG London, United Kingdom

from 5:30 – 8:30pm


To find out more about the event you can call 07856 473 039 or visit https://www.facebook.com/events/723247697733351/ 


Take care family 


Teaching Our Own Team


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